Logo Optitec


727 Rue Aristide Bergès

ALPAO supplies unique solutions for adaptive optics : exclusive and patented deformable mirrors featuring large stroke, high bandwidth, highly sensitive wavefront sensors and full bespoke or off-the-shelf adaptive optics systems. As a manufacturer of subparts, we propose products optimized for each application: deformable with large stroke for vision science, deformable mirror with larger inter-actuator stroke in astronomy, etc. Furthermore, thanks to our innovative software archicteture, adaptive optics has never been so easy and efficient. The modular and open approach allows the user specifying the instruments that he needs while using powerful environments such as Matlab® and Labview®.

Les produits d’ALPAO ont été conçus pour répondre aux besoins des systèmes d’imagerie complexes tels que ceux rencontrés en ophthalmologie, en astrophysique et en microscopie. Par ailleurs, le marché de l’instrumentation LASER est un autre marché pour nos systèmes d’optiques adapatives.

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