Camescat Project


The aim of CaMeSCat is to develop a new system for the direct measurement of the section of catenary wire of French manufacture in order to bypass dependence on German and Japanese competition; to extend the French rail network (additional sections, added from among those currently dedicated to maintenance); to give French industry a higher profile on the international research scene (patent applications) and finally to favour the development of employment and competencies at national level.

Applications of the system to other sectors or transfers are possible, such as quality control or the dimensioning of objects on production lines.

The consortium is made up of two SMEs, Ateliers Laumonier and O2GAME, one laboratory at the Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, one technical centre MIND, one public sector industrial and business organisation SNCF Ingénierie (project leader), and one corporation MERMEC France.

The total budget for the project is 3.3 m euros, with a duration of 36 months. The project has received financial support with additional funding from local authorities.

Website creation PYMAC